Auditions for 2023 Local Lore Ghost Walk

At the Broadview Center

Sunday, September 17th from 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Monday, September 18th from 7:00PM to 9:00PM

The Broadview Heights Spotlights Theater is seeking actors and actresses age 14 and older to portray local “spirits”, guides, and storytellers at its Sixth Annual Local Lore Ghost Walk – an immersive, historical outdoor theater event on the Broadview Heights city campus.  This unique seasonal experience will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, October 20-22, 2023. It is held rain or shine.

Auditions will be held at the Broadview Heights Spotlights building, 9543 Broadview Road, Bldg. 22 (on the Broadview Heights city campus, next to the police department). Auditioners will read from materials provided. All roles are volunteer. Rehearsals are held once per week for four weeks, or as necessary. This is a great opportunity for those wishing to participate in something theatrical with a minimal commitment. Those wishing to audition but are unable to attend should text director, Keleigh Bowling, at 216-496-2264.